From AlKauthar Conference: Twins of Faith: Knowlegde and action: Notes
1. Charity extinguishes the anger of Allah
2. By giving charity you become of the merciful. The merciful are the ones who have mercy on mankind.
3. Charity protects you and your progeny from harm.
4. Charity is a sign of love for your brother. You can not enter Jannah without loving your brohter.
5. Giving charity preserves the deen.
6. By giving charity you attain high level of righteousness.
7. The charity you give will act as a shade for you on the day of jugdement.
8. Charity will take form over a man in your grave and protect you.
9. Charity is a sign of true tawakkul.
10. By giving charity you get reward and the reward of what the receiver uses it for.
11. Sadaqa Jaria is a continueous benefit until the day of Jugdement.
12. Charity is the best of nafl deeds.
13. Allah causes the charity to grow from the size of a date to the size of mountain of ohud.
14. By giving charity for the sake of Allah you qualify to enter Jannah earlier.
15. To give charity is sunnah, the way of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

In the name of Allah the most Gracious and Merciful
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Monday, 24 December 2007
He is Allah...
The First: Nothing is before Him.
The Last: Nothing is After Him.
The Most High: Nothing is Above Him.
The Most Near: Nothing is beyond His Reach.
He Begets Not, Nor was He Begotten.
The Creator, Provider, and All-Rich.
The All-Seer, The All-Knower.
He is One and Self-Sufficient.
He is not Nature, or any part of it.
He ascended above His Throne, High above the Seven Skies.
No Vision can encompass Him, but
His Grasp is over all vision...
The Last: Nothing is After Him.
The Most High: Nothing is Above Him.
The Most Near: Nothing is beyond His Reach.
He Begets Not, Nor was He Begotten.
The Creator, Provider, and All-Rich.
The All-Seer, The All-Knower.
He is One and Self-Sufficient.
He is not Nature, or any part of it.
He ascended above His Throne, High above the Seven Skies.
No Vision can encompass Him, but
His Grasp is over all vision...
ذَلِكُمُ اللّهُ رَبُّكُمْ لا إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ فَاعْبُدُوهُ وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَكِيلٌ
"Such is Allaah, your Lord, none has the right to be worshipped but He, the Creator of all things. So worship Him (alone), and He is the Wakeel (Trustee Disposer of affairs, Guradian, etc.) over all things."
[Quran, Ch. 6, 102]
لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ
"Nothing Is Like Unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer"
[Quran, Ch. 42, 11]
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ - اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ - لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ - وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ
"Say: "He is Allah, One. Allah He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is non comparable to Him.''"
[Qur'an, Ch.112,1-4]
[Qur'an, Ch.112,1-4]
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Introduce to Islam
Narrated 'Aashia, may Allah be pleased with her, that: The Messenger of Alaah (peace be upon him) said:
"If someone tries to introduce into this faith of ours (Islam) something which is not part of it, it is to be rejected."
Lessons to be learned from this Hadith:
1. The religion if Islam is built on submisson and following, not invention and adition;
2. Islam does not permit any innovation and Islam encourages holding fast to the Sunnah;
3. Any deed that is notin accordance with the Sunnah will be rejected and no reward will be given for the doer of that deed.
"If someone tries to introduce into this faith of ours (Islam) something which is not part of it, it is to be rejected."
Lessons to be learned from this Hadith:
1. The religion if Islam is built on submisson and following, not invention and adition;
2. Islam does not permit any innovation and Islam encourages holding fast to the Sunnah;
3. Any deed that is notin accordance with the Sunnah will be rejected and no reward will be given for the doer of that deed.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Abu Bakr's (raa) Reversion to Islam
Abu Bakr (raa) was the first male to accept Islam.
Two main characteristics that enabled this to happen were:
1. His indication to do good.
2. His friendship with Muhammad (S.A.W)
As-Siddiq (The Truthful)
He was given this title after the night journey of the prophet (S.A.W). When the Mushrikeen of Quraish were mocking the prophet (S.A.W), and claiming that this journey was false.
They said to Abu Bakr (raa) "Do you know what your friend has said, he claims he went from Makkah to Jerusalemand then to the heavens in one night".
Abu Bakr (raa) said"If he (S.A.W) said so, then it is true". This is the way he was given the title As-Siddiq.
The Trails he suffered from the Polytheists
Abu Bakr (raa) suffered from persecution of the polytheists as Allah's messenger (S.A.W) suffered. He underwent serious physical abuse. On one occation he was beaten up so severly taht it was difficult to distinguish his note on his face.
Two main characteristics that enabled this to happen were:
1. His indication to do good.
2. His friendship with Muhammad (S.A.W)
As-Siddiq (The Truthful)
He was given this title after the night journey of the prophet (S.A.W). When the Mushrikeen of Quraish were mocking the prophet (S.A.W), and claiming that this journey was false.
They said to Abu Bakr (raa) "Do you know what your friend has said, he claims he went from Makkah to Jerusalemand then to the heavens in one night".
Abu Bakr (raa) said"If he (S.A.W) said so, then it is true". This is the way he was given the title As-Siddiq.
The Trails he suffered from the Polytheists
Abu Bakr (raa) suffered from persecution of the polytheists as Allah's messenger (S.A.W) suffered. He underwent serious physical abuse. On one occation he was beaten up so severly taht it was difficult to distinguish his note on his face.
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq
Abu Bakr (raa) was the closet friend to Muhammad (S.A.W), he was his friend from a young age. Whenever the messenger of Allah (S.A.W)was seen it was likely that Abu Bakr (raa) was with him. Abu Bakr (raa) was also an important advisor to Muhammad (S.A.W).
His name and lineage.
His name Abdullah bin Sa'd bin Abu Quhafah Uthman bin Amr bin Ka'b bin Sa'd bin Taim bin Murrah bin Ka'b. His lineage meets with that of Muhammad (S.A.W) at Murrah.
His physical properties.
Abu Bakr (raa) was fair, slender, his back was slightly bent and he had a slender face with large hollow eyes.
His name and lineage.
His name Abdullah bin Sa'd bin Abu Quhafah Uthman bin Amr bin Ka'b bin Sa'd bin Taim bin Murrah bin Ka'b. His lineage meets with that of Muhammad (S.A.W) at Murrah.
His physical properties.
Abu Bakr (raa) was fair, slender, his back was slightly bent and he had a slender face with large hollow eyes.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
The four rightly guided khalifah - relationship with prophet Muhammad (saw)
The four rightly guided khalifah were:
- Abu Bakr (raa)
- Umar (raa)
- Uthman (raa)
- Ali (raa)
All four of these individuals had a special relationship with Muhammad (S.A.W) in terms of marriage.
Abu Bakr (raa): The daughter of Abu Bakr (raa) (Aisha) was married to Muhammad (S.A.W).
Umar (raa): The daughter of Umar (raa) (Hafsa) was married to Muhammad (S.A.W).
Uthman (raa): Two daughters of Muhammad (S.A.W) was married to Uthman (raa) (Ruqqaiyah & Umm Khuthoom).
Ali (raa): The daughter of Muhammad (S.A.W) was married to Ali (raa) (Fatimah).
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